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A member registered Jan 27, 2017

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How do you efficiently create tracks and chains? i keep trying but they are always too loose 

if i could, I would absolutely be corrupted by hellstone once more as I bore through the earth at impossible speeds, whilst fighting angry rioters and sacrificing their souls to the dark gods so that they may make my shovel a bit better. 

and now it refuses to load

i made the game crash by trying to sell the 5.22e21 diamonds i got via tier 3 transmutation. would do again.

Its very fun. I could play it all day, experimenting with track names. My favorite result so far is aceg.

This looks very ambitious! I hope your plans for this game come to fruition!

boids are always fascinating to watch

at the bottom of the post-it board? I can only see the top of it when i interact with it, not the bottom.

i tried all of the numbers that I could see/read inside of the bunks. Is it the stuff that is fading away? if so, i was unable to read it. 

where? i couldn't find anything


even better


able to kill plymoth in under 30 seconds

you should be able to place circular 1/1 blocks in the middle of 4 studs. 

Other than that, this is an amazing lil toy

talking about fragments, what was your strategy for getting so many?

3x3, with the character at the center

i have the required amount of fragment, and the requested soul and earth runes. i just cant figure out how to open it.